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Regulatory T (Treg) cells are essential for the maintenance of immunological tolerance, yet the molecular components required for their maintenance and effector functions remain incompletely defined. Inactivation of VPS34 in Treg cells led to an early, lethal phenotype, with massive effector T cell activation and inflammation, like mice lacking Treg cells completely. However, VPS34-deficient Treg cells developed normally, populated the peripheral lymphoid organs and effectively supressed conventional T cells . Our data suggest that VPS34 is required for the maintaining normal numbers of mature Treg. Functionally, we observed that lack of VPS34 activity impairs cargo processing upon transendocytosis, that defective autophagy may contribute to, but is not sufficient to explain this lethal phenotype, and that loss of VPS34 activity induces a state of heightened metabolic activity that may interfere with metabolic networks required for maintenance or suppressive functions of Treg cells.
Metastatic melanoma remains a major clinical challenge. Large-scale genomic sequencing of melanoma has identified bona fide activating mutations in RAC1, which are associated with resistance to BRAF-targeting therapies. Targeting the RAC1-GTPase pathway, including the upstream activator PREX2 and the downstream effector PI3K尾, could be a potential strategy for overcoming therapeutic resistance, limiting melanoma recurrence, and suppressing metastatic progression. Here, we used genetically engineered mouse models and patient-derived BRAFV600E-driven melanoma cell lines to dissect the role of PREX2 in melanomagenesis and response to therapy. While PREX2 was dispensable for the initiation and progression of melanoma, its loss conferred sensitivity to clinically relevant therapeutics targeting the MAPK pathway. Importantly, genetic and pharmacological targeting of PI3K尾 phenocopied PREX2 deficiency, sensitizing model systems to therapy. These data reveal a druggable PREX2/RAC1/PI3K尾 signaling axis in BRAF-mutant melanoma that could be exploited clinically.
Replication fork collision with a DNA nick can generate a one-ended break, fostering genomic instability. The opposing fork's collision with the nick could form a second DNA end, enabling conservative repair by homologous recombination (HR). To study mechanisms of nickase-induced HR, we developed the Flp recombinase "step arrest" nickase in mammalian cells. A Flp-nick induces two-ended, BRCA2/RAD51-dependent short tract gene conversion (STGC), BRCA2/RAD51-independent long tract gene conversion, and discoordinated two-ended invasions. HR pathways induced by a replication-independent break and the Flp-nickase differ in their dependence on BRCA1, MRE11, and CtIP. To determine the origin of the second DNA end during Flp-nickase-induced STGC, we blocked the opposing fork using a Tus/Ter replication fork barrier (RFB). Flp-nickase-induced STGC remained robust and two ended. Thus, a single replication fork's collision with a Flp-nick triggers two-ended HR, possibly reflecting replicative bypass of lagging strand nicks. This response may limit genomic instability during replication of nicked DNA.
To increase antibody affinity against pathogens, positively selected GC-B cells initiate cell division in the light zone (LZ) of germinal centers (GCs). Among these, higher-affinity clones migrate to the dark zone (DZ) and vigorously proliferate by utilizing energy provided by oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). However, it remains unknown how positively selected GC-B cells adapt their metabolism for cell division in the glycolysis-dominant, cell cycle arrest-inducing, hypoxic LZ microenvironment. Here, we show that microRNA (miR)-155 mediates metabolic reprogramming during positive selection to protect high-affinity clones. Mechanistically, miR-155 regulates H3K36me2 levels in hypoxic conditions by directly repressing the histone lysine demethylase, Kdm2a, whose expression increases in response to hypoxia. The miR-155-Kdm2a interaction is crucial for enhancing OXPHOS through optimizing the expression of vital nuclear mitochondrial genes under hypoxia, thereby preventing excessive production of reactive oxygen species and subsequent apoptosis. Thus, miR-155-mediated epigenetic regulation promotes mitochondrial fitness in high-affinity GC-B cells, ensuring their expansion and consequently affinity maturation.
Although spectral flow cytometry has become a ubiquitous tool for cell analysis, the use of spectral cytometry on cell sorters requires additional considerations arising from the unique requirements of sorting workflows. Here, we show that care should be taken when ascertaining the purity of a sort on a spectral cell sorter, as the mismatch of buffers used for initial sample suspension and the buffers used for sort collection can affect the unmixing of the data, potentially giving rise to erroneous purity check results.
The fork protection complex (FPC), composed of Mrc1, Tof1, and Csm3, supports rapid and stable DNA replication. Here, we show that FPC activity also introduces DNA damage by increasing DNA topological stress during replication. Mrc1 action increases DNA topological stress during plasmid replication, while Mrc1 or Tof1 activity causes replication stress and DNA damage within topologically constrained regions. We show that the recruitment of Top1 to the fork by Tof1 suppresses the DNA damage generated in these loci. While FPC activity introduces some DNA damage due to increased topological stress, the FPC is also necessary to prevent DNA damage in long replicons across the genome, indicating that the FPC is required for complete and faithful genome duplication. We conclude that FPC regulation must balance ensuring full genome duplication through rapid replication with minimizing the consequential DNA topological stress-induced DNA damage caused by rapid replication through constrained regions.
Autotaxin (ATX), encoded by ENPP2, is a clinical target in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). ATX catalyzes the production of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), an important regulator within the tumor microenvironment (TME), yet the pro-tumorigenic action of the ATX/LPA axis in PDAC remains unclear. Here, by interrogating patient samples and cell line datasets, we show that the PDAC TME, rather than cancer cells, is responsible for the majority of ENPP2 expression, and highlight a key role for cancer associated fibroblast (CAF)-derived ATX in autocrine and paracrine pro-tumorigenic signaling. Using the clinical-stage ATX inhibitor, IOA-289, we identified connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) as a downstream mediator of ATX signaling in the PDAC CAF-derived cell line, 0082T. Genetic ablation or pharmacological inhibition of ATX in 0082T CAFs reduced CTGF secretion via modulation of LPA/LPA receptor (LPAR) signaling. Despite the loss of ATX function, extracellular levels of LPA were paradoxically increased, indicating a role for ATX beyond its enzymatic activity and suggesting a role for its LPA chaperone function in the LPA/LPAR signaling in CAFs. As CAFs are the main source for CTGF in the PDAC TME, these findings suggest a role for ATX in promoting pro-tumorigenic microenvironment via modulation of CAF secretion, not only via its LPA-producing activity but also via its LPA chaperone function, providing a potential mechanism for the anti-tumor effects of ATX inhibition.
The human blastocyst contains the pluripotent epiblast from which human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) can be derived. ACTIVIN/NODAL signaling maintains expression of the transcription factor NANOG and in聽vitro propagation of hESCs. It is unknown whether this reflects a functional requirement for epiblast development in human embryos. Here, we characterized NODAL signaling activity during pre-implantation human development. We showed that NANOG is an early molecular marker restricted to the nascent human pluripotent epiblast and was initiated prior to the onset of NODAL signaling. We further demonstrated that expression of pluripotency-associated transcription factors NANOG, SOX2, OCT4, and KLF17 were maintained in the epiblast in the absence of NODAL signaling activity. Genome-wide transcriptional analysis showed that NODAL signaling inhibition did not decrease NANOG transcription or impact the wider pluripotency-associated gene regulatory network. These data suggest differences in the signaling requirements regulating pluripotency in the pre-implantation human epiblast compared with existing hESC culture.
Whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) has been the gold standard technique for base resolution analysis of DNA methylation for the last 15聽years. It has been, however, associated with technical biases, which lead to overall overestimation of global and regional methylation values, and significant artifacts in extreme cytosine-rich DNA sequence contexts. Enzymatic conversion of cytosine is the newest approach, set to replace entirely the use of the damaging bisulfite conversion of DNA. The EM-seq technique utilizes TET2, T4-BGT, and APOBEC in a two-step conversion process, where the modified cytosines are first protected by oxidation and glucosylation, followed by deamination of all unmodified cytosines to uracil. As a result, EM-seq is degradation-free and bias-free, requires low DNA input, and produces high library yields with longer reads, little batch variation, less duplication, uniform genomic coverage, accurate methylation over a larger number of captured CpGs, and no sequence-specific artifacts.
DNA methyltransferase 3A (DNMT3A) plays a critical role in establishing and maintaining DNA methylation patterns in vertebrates. Here we structurally and biochemically explore the interaction of DNMT3A1 with diverse modified nucleosomes indicative of different chromatin environments. A cryo-EM structure of the full-length DNMT3A1-DNMT3L complex with a H2AK119ub nucleosome reveals that the DNMT3A1 ubiquitin-dependent recruitment (UDR) motif interacts specifically with H2AK119ub and makes extensive contacts with the core nucleosome histone surface. This interaction facilitates robust DNMT3A1 binding to nucleosomes, and previously unexplained DNMT3A disease-associated mutations disrupt this interface. Furthermore, the UDR-nucleosome interaction synergises with other DNMT3A chromatin reading elements in the absence of histone ubiquitylation. H2AK119ub does not stimulate DNMT3A DNA methylation activity, as observed for the previously described H3K36me2 mark, which may explain low levels of DNA methylation on H2AK119ub marked facultative heterochromatin. This study highlights the importance of multivalent binding of DNMT3A to histone modifications and the nucleosome surface and increases our understanding of how DNMT3A1 chromatin recruitment occurs.
Peptidylarginine deiminase IV (PADI4, PAD4) deregulation promotes the development of autoimmunity, cancer, atherosclerosis and age-related tissue fibrosis. PADI4 additionally mediates immune responses and cellular reprogramming, although the full extent of its physiological roles is unexplored. Despite detailed molecular knowledge of PADI4 activation in vitro, we lack understanding of its regulation within cells, largely due to聽a lack of appropriate systems and tools. Here, we develop and apply a set of potent and selective PADI4 modulators. Using the mRNA-display-based RaPID system, we screen >10 cyclic peptides for high-affinity, conformation-selective binders. We report PADI4_3, a cell-active inhibitor specific for the active conformation of PADI4; PADI4_7, an inert binder, which we functionalise for the isolation and study of cellular PADI4; and PADI4_11, a cell-active PADI4 activator. Structural studies with PADI4_11 reveal an allosteric binding mode that may reflect the mechanism that promotes cellular PADI4 activation. This work contributes to our understanding of PADI4 regulation and provides a toolkit for the study and modulation of PADI4 across (patho)physiological contexts.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory condition. Given patients with COPD continue to experience exacerbations despite the availability of effective therapies, anti-inflammatory treatments targeting novel pathways are needed. Kinases, notably the phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3K), are thought to be involved in chronic airway inflammation, with this pathway proposed as a critical regulator of inflammation and oxidative stress response in COPD. CHF6523 is an inhaled PI3K未 inhibitor that has shown positive preclinical results. This manuscript reports the results of a study of CHF6523 in patients with stable COPD (chronic bronchitis phenotype), and who had evidence of type-2 inflammation.
Brown adipose tissue (BAT) engages futile fatty acid synthesis-oxidation cycling, the purpose of which has remained elusive. Here, we show that ATP-citrate lyase (ACLY), which generates acetyl-CoA for fatty acid synthesis, promotes thermogenesis by mitigating metabolic stress. Without ACLY, BAT overloads the tricarboxylic acid cycle, activates the integrated stress response (ISR) and suppresses thermogenesis. ACLY's role in preventing BAT stress becomes critical when mice are weaned onto a carbohydrate-plentiful diet, while removing dietary carbohydrates prevents stress induction in ACLY-deficient BAT. ACLY loss also upregulates fatty acid synthase (Fasn); yet while ISR activation is not caused by impaired fatty acid synthesis per se, deleting Fasn and Acly unlocks an alternative metabolic programme that overcomes tricarboxylic acid cycle overload, prevents ISR activation and rescues thermogenesis. Overall, we uncover a previously unappreciated role for ACLY in mitigating mitochondrial stress that links dietary carbohydrates to uncoupling protein 1-dependent thermogenesis and provides fundamental insight into the fatty acid synthesis-oxidation paradox in BAT.
In this community effort, we compare measurements between 34 laboratories from 19 countries, utilizing mixtures of labelled authentic synthetic standards, to quantify by mass spectrometry four clinically used ceramide species in the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) human blood plasma Standard Reference Material (SRM) 1950, as well as a set of candidate plasma reference materials (RM 8231). Participants either utilized a provided validated method and/or their method of choice. Mean concentration values, and intra- and inter-laboratory coefficients of variation (CV) were calculated using single-point and multi-point calibrations, respectively. These results are the most precise (intra-laboratory CVs 鈮 4.2%) and concordant (inter-laboratory CVs < 14%) community-derived absolute concentration values reported to date for four clinically used ceramides in the commonly analyzed SRM 1950. We demonstrate that calibration using authentic labelled standards dramatically reduces data variability. Furthermore, we show how the use of shared RM can correct systematic quantitative biases and help in harmonizing lipidomics. Collectively, the results from the present study provide a significant knowledge base for translation of lipidomic technologies to future clinical applications that might require the determination of reference intervals (RIs) in various human populations or might need to estimate reference change values (RCV), when analytical variability is a key factor for recall during multiple testing of individuals.
Many mammals can temporally uncouple conception from parturition by pacing down their development around the blastocyst stage. In mice, this dormant state is achieved by decreasing the activity of the growth-regulating mTOR signaling pathway. It is unknown whether this ability is conserved in mammals in general and in humans in particular. Here, we show that decreasing the activity of the mTOR signaling pathway induces human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and blastoids to enter a dormant state with limited proliferation, developmental progression, and capacity to attach to endometrial cells. These in聽vitro assays show that, similar to other species, the ability to enter dormancy is active in human cells around the blastocyst stage and is reversible at both functional and molecular levels. The pacing of human blastocyst development has potential implications for reproductive therapies.
Early human trophoblast development has remained elusive due to the inaccessibility of the early conceptus. Non-human primate models recapitulate many features of human development and allow access to early postimplantation stages. Here, we tracked the pre- to postimplantation transition of the trophoblast lineage in superficially implanting marmoset embryos in聽vivo. We differentiated marmoset naive pluripotent stem cells into trophoblast stem cells (TSCs), which exhibited trophoblast-specific transcriptome, methylome, differentiation potential, and long-term self-renewal. Notably, human TSC culture conditions failed to support marmoset TSC derivation, instead inducing an extraembryonic mesoderm-like fate in marmoset cells. We show that combined MEK, TGF-尾/NODAL, and histone deacetylase inhibition stabilizes a periimplantation trophoblast-like identity in marmoset TSCs. By contrast, these conditions differentiated human TSCs toward extravillous trophoblasts. Our work presents a paradigm to harness the evolutionary divergence in implantation strategies to elucidate human trophoblast development and invasion.
CDS enzymes (CDS1 and 2 in mammals) convert phosphatidic acid (PA) to CDP-DG, an essential intermediate in the de novo synthesis of PI. Genetic deletion of CDS2 in primary mouse macrophages resulted in only modest changes in the steady-state levels of major phospholipid species, including PI, but substantial increases in several species of PA, CDP-DG, DG and TG. Stable isotope labelling experiments employing both 13C6- and 13C6D7-glucose revealed loss of CDS2 resulted in a minimal reduction in the rate of de novo PI synthesis but a substantial increase in the rate of de novo PA synthesis from G3P, derived from DHAP via glycolysis. This increased synthesis of PA provides a potential explanation for normal basal PI synthesis in the face of reduced CDS capacity (via increased provision of substrate to CDS1) and increased synthesis of DG and TG (via increased provision of substrate to LIPINs). However, under conditions of sustained GPCR-stimulation of PLC, CDS2-deficient macrophages were unable to maintain enhanced rates of PI synthesis via the 'PI cycle', leading to a substantial loss of PI. CDS2-deficient macrophages also exhibited significant defects in calcium homeostasis which were unrelated to the activation of PLC and thus probably an indirect effect of increased basal PA. These experiments reveal that an important homeostatic response in mammalian cells to a reduction in CDS capacity is increased de novo synthesis of PA, likely related to maintaining normal levels of PI, and provides a new interpretation of previous work describing pleiotropic effects of CDS2 deletion on lipid metabolism/signalling.
The PIWI-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway guides the DNA methylation of young, active transposons during germline development in male mice. piRNAs tether the PIWI protein MIWI2 (PIWIL4) to the nascent transposon transcript, resulting in DNA methylation through SPOCD1 (refs. ). Transposon methylation requires great precision: every copy needs to be methylated but off-target methylation must be avoided. However, the underlying mechanisms that ensure this precision remain unknown. Here, we show that SPOCD1 interacts directly with SPIN1 (SPINDLIN1), a chromatin reader that primarily binds to H3K4me3-K9me3 (ref. ). The prevailing assumption is that all the molecular events required for piRNA-directed DNA methylation occur after the engagement of MIWI2. We find that SPIN1 expression precedes that of both SPOCD1 and MIWI2. Furthermore, we demonstrate that young LINE1 copies, but not old ones, are marked by H3K4me3, H3K9me3 and SPIN1 before the initiation of piRNA-directed DNA methylation. We generated a Spocd1 separation-of-function allele in the mouse that encodes a SPOCD1 variant that no longer interacts with SPIN1. We found that the interaction between SPOCD1 and SPIN1 is essential for spermatogenesis and piRNA-directed DNA methylation of young LINE1 elements. We propose that piRNA-directed LINE1 DNA methylation requires a developmentally timed two-factor authentication process. The first authentication is the recruitment of SPIN1-SPOCD1 to the young LINE1 promoter, and the second is MIWI2 engagement with the nascent transcript. In summary, independent authentication events underpin the precision of piRNA-directed LINE1 DNA methylation.
Skeletal muscle is a highly adaptable tissue, finely tuned by various physiological and pathological factors. Whilst the pivotal role of skeletal muscle in overall health is widely acknowledged, unravelling the underlying molecular mechanisms poses ongoing challenges. Protein ubiquitylation, a crucial post-translational modification, is involved in regulating most biological processes. This widespread impact is achieved through a diverse set of enzymes capable of generating structurally and functionally distinct ubiquitin modifications on proteins. The complexity of protein ubiquitylation has presented significant challenges in not only identifying ubiquitylated proteins but also characterising their functional significance. Mass spectrometry enables in-depth analysis of proteins and their post-translational modification status, offering a powerful tool for studying protein ubiquitylation and its biological diversity: an approach termed ubiquitylomics. Ubiquitylomics has been employed to tackle different perspectives of ubiquitylation, including but not limited to global quantification of substrates and ubiquitin linkages, ubiquitin site recognition and crosstalk with other post-translational modifications. As the field of mass spectrometry continues to evolve, the usage of ubiquitylomics has unravelled novel insights into the regulatory mechanisms of protein ubiquitylation governing biology. However, ubiquitylomics research has predominantly been conducted in cellular models, limiting our understanding of ubiquitin signalling events driving skeletal muscle biology. By integrating the intricate landscape of protein ubiquitylation with dynamic shifts in muscle physiology, ubiquitylomics promises to not only deepen our understanding of skeletal muscle biology but also lay the foundation for developing transformative muscle-related therapeutics. This review aims to articulate how ubiquitylomics can be utilised by researchers to address different aspects of ubiquitylation signalling in skeletal muscle. We explore methods used in ubiquitylomics experiments, highlight relevant literature employing ubiquitylomics in the context of skeletal muscle and outline considerations for experimental design.
While the placenta regulates nutritional exchange between mother and fetus, Yu et聽al. reveal that human placental development is itself nutrient-sensitive. They elucidate entwined metabolic and epigenetic transitions driving syncytialization and pinpoint a requirement for the metabolite acetyl-CoA, which is sensitive to glucose metabolism.
Methods to measure chromatin contacts at genomic regions bound by histone modifications or proteins are important tools to investigate chromatin organization. However, such methods do not capture the possible involvement of other epigenomic features such as G-quadruplex DNA secondary structures (G4s). To bridge this gap, we introduce ViCAR (viewpoint HiCAR), for the direct antibody-based capture of chromatin interactions at folded G4s. Through ViCAR, we showcase the first G4-3D interaction landscape. Using histone marks, we also demonstrate how ViCAR improves on earlier approaches yielding increased signal-to-noise. ViCAR is a practical and powerful tool to explore epigenetic marks and 3D genome interactomes.
RNA binding proteins drive proliferation and tumorigenesis by regulating the translation and stability of specific subsets of messenger RNAs (mRNAs). We have investigated the role of eukaryotic initiation factor 4B (eIF4B) in this process and identify 10-fold more RNA binding sites for eIF4B in tumour cells from patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma compared to control B cells and, using individual-nucleotide resolution UV cross-linking and immunoprecipitation, find that eIF4B binds the entire length of mRNA transcripts. eIF4B stimulates the helicase activity of eIF4A, thereby promoting the unwinding of RNA structure within the 5' untranslated regions of mRNAs. We have found that, in addition to its well-documented role in mRNA translation, eIF4B additionally interacts with proteins associated with RNA turnover, including UPF1 (up-frameshift protein 1), which plays a key role in histone mRNA degradation at the end of S phase. Consistent with these data, we locate an eIF4B binding site upstream of the stem-loop structure in histone mRNAs and show that decreased eIF4B expression alters histone mRNA turnover and delays cell cycle progression through S phase. Collectively, these data provide insight into how eIF4B promotes tumorigenesis.